Religion in Colonial Africa: Selected Bibliography

[This material was assembled by George P. Landow, Professor of English and Art History, Brown University, using the University of Alberta's Victorian Database on a CD-ROM, 1970-1995.]

Beidelman, T. O. Colonial Evangelism: A Socio-Historical Study of an East African Mission at the Grassroots. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1982.

Cooke, James J. "God, Glory, and Expansion: The English Missionary in East Africa." U of Mississippi Studies in English 1972 (13) 97-109.

Garvey, Brian. "Colonial Schooling and Missionary Evangelism: The Case of Roman Catholic Educational Initiatives in North-Eastern Zambia, 1895-1953." History of Education 1994 (23/2) 195-206.

Good, Charles M. "Pioneer Medical Missions in Colonial Africa." Social Science and Medicine 1991 (32) 1-10.

Hansen, Holger B. Mission, Church and State in a Colonial Setting: Ugand a 1890-1925. London: Heinemann/ New York: St. Martin's Press,, 1984.

MURRAY-BROWN, Jeremy. Faith and the Flag: The Opening of Africa. London: Allen & Unwin, 1977.

Pearce, Robert. "Missionary Education in Colonial Africa: The Critique of Mary Kingsley." History of Education 1988 (17) 283-294.

Gray, Richard. Black Christians and White Missionaries. New Haven, CT. , & London: Yale University Press, 1990.

Strayer, Robert W. Making of Mission Communities in East Africa: Anglicans and Africans in Colonial Kenya, 1875-1935. London: Heinemann/ Albany: U of New York Press,, 1978.

Willis, Justin. The Nature of a Mission Community: The Universities' Mission to Central Africa in Bonde

Past & Present, 1993 (No. 140/Aug) 127-154.

Postcolonial Web [Africa] [History] [Religion]

Last Modified: 14 March, 2002