Kamau Brathwaite: Works
from The Arrivants: A New World Trilogy, 1973:
- Rights of Passage, 1967
- Masks, 1968
- Islands, 1969
- Odale's Choice, 1967
- Other Exiles, 1975
- Days and Nights, 1975
- Black and Blues, 1976
- Mother Poem, 1977
- Sun Poem, 1982
- Gods of the Middle Passage, 1982
- Third World Poems, 1983
- Jah Music, 1986
- X/self, 1987
- Sappho Sakyi's Meditations, 1989
- Shar, 1990
- The Zea Mexican Diary, 7 September 1926 - 7 September 1986, 1993
- Middle Passages, 1992
- Trenchtown Rock, 1993
- Roots, 1993
- The Development of Creole Society in Jamaica, 1770 - 1820, 1971
- Folk Culture of the Slaves in Jamaica, 1972
- Contradictory Omens: Cultural Diversity and Integration in the Caribbean, 1974
- Our Ancestral Heritage: A Bilbliography of the English Speaking Caribbean designed to record and celebrate the several origins of our structural, material, and creative culture, and to indicate how this is being used by us to mek ah-we, 1976
- Nanny, Sam Sharpe, and the Struggle for People's Liberation, 1977
- Barbados Poetry ?1661-1979: a checklist: books, pamphlets, broadsheets, 1686-1978, 1979
- Jamaica Poetry, a checklist: books, pamphlets, broadsheets 1686-1978, 1979
- Afternoon of the Status Crow (lecture), 1980
- National Language Poetry, 1982
- Kumina, 1982
- History of the Voice: the development of Nation Language in Anglophone Caribbean Poetry, 1986
- Roots: Essay, 1986
- The Poet and His Place in Barbadian Culture(lecture), 1987
- also served as editor of Dream Rock (1989)