Working working with IRISm I designed and edited the entire original web, made many of the links. Funded by IRIS, Randall Bass, now a faculty member at Georgetown University, added materials on individual authors and political discourse. In 1992-93 Ho Lin '92 transferred most of the documents from the Intermedia system (which ceased operating in 1992) into three separate Storyspace webs and relinked them. Since then students in various intonations of my postcolonial literature courses have contributed materials, as have the members of English 168, an honors seminar whose subject in 1996 was Victorian and Neo-Victorian writers.
Beginning in April 1995, I created the icons, designed the layout, and using Storyspace 1.3 and Robert C. Best's HTML Web Weaver began to put together the HTML version of the Web. By late Spring 1966, I switched to BBEdit , and using this software between April and June 1996, Jay Dillemuth MFA '96 carried out the ardous task of editing, formatting, and linking many of the materials in the web. Since themn I have redesigned the web as readers submit more materials and as readers' contributions opened new areas.
This collection of materials will continue to grow as students and faculty at various institutions interested in these subjects -- and postcolonial authors themselves -- contribute new essays, questions, images, and so forth. I welcome your corrections, contribitions, suggestions for links, and other materials. Please send them to me at
Basic directions for contributing to the site.