Ben Okri (1959- )
Robert Bennett, Lecturer, Department
of English, University of California Santa Barbara

Works by Ben Okri
Flowers and Shadows. London: Longman, 1980.
The Landscapes Within. London: Longman, 1981.
Incidents at the Shrine. London: Heinemann, 1986.
Stars of the New Curfew. New York: Viking Penguin, 1989.
An African Elegy. London: Jonathan Cape, 1992.
The Famished Road. New York: Doubleday/Talese, 1992.
Songs of Enchantment. New York: Doubleday/Talese, 1993.
Astonishing the Gods. London: Phoenix House, 1995.
Selected Studies of Ben Okri
Bardolph, Jacqueline. "Azaro, Saleem, and Askar: Brothers in Allegory."
Commonwealth Essays and Studies 15.1 (1992): 45-51.
Bruckner, Thomas. "Ben Okri: Vom Erbluhen der Verwesung im Verborgenen der
Geschichte." Beitrage zur afrikanischen Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft.
Ed. Wilhelm J. G. Mohlig. Koln: Koppe, 1993.
Cribb, T. J. "Transformations in the Fiction of Ben Okri." From Commonwealth
to Postcolonial. Ed. Anna Rutherford. Sydney: Dangaroo Press, 1992. 145-51.
Gamier, Xavier. "L'invisible dans The Famished Road de Ben Okri."
Commonwealth Essays and Studies 15.2 (1993): 50-57.
Gates, Henry Louis, Jr. "Between the Living and the Unborn." New
York Times Book Review June 28, 1992: 3, 20.
Hawley, John C. "Ben Okri's Spirit-Child: Abiku Migration and Postmodemity."
Research in African Literatures 26.1 (1995): 20-29.
Houpt, Simon, "Ben Okri: The Landscapes Within." African Literature
Association Bulletin 18.3 (1992): 37-39.
Lemus, Silvia "La Escritura, el Box y Nietzsche: Una Entravista con Ben Okri,
un Fabulador que Muerde." Nexos July 1995: 55-63.
Mamudu, Ayo "Portrait of a Young Artist in Ben Okri's The Landscapes Within."
Commonwealth Essays and Studies 13.2 (1991): 85-9 1.
Niven, Alastair. "Achebe and Okri: Contrasts in the Response to Civil War."
Short Fiction in the New Literatures in English. Ed. Jacqueline Bardolph.
Nice: Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines, 1989. 277-85.
Nnolim, Charles E. "Ben Okri: Writer as Artist" Approaches to the African
Novel: Essays in Analysis. London: Saros, 1992. 173-89.
_____. "The Time Is out of Joint: Ben Okri as a Social Critic." Commonwealth
Novel in English 6.1-2 (1993): 61-68.
Ogunsanwo, Olatubosun. "Intertextuality and Post-colonial Literature in Ben
Okri's The Famished Road." Research in African Literatures
26.1 (1995): 30-39.
Porter, Abioseh Michael. "Ben Okri's The Landscapes Within: A Metaphor for
Personal and National Development." World Literature Written in English
28.2 (1988): 203-10.
Richards, David. " 'A History of Interruptions': Dislocated Mimesis in the
Writings of Neil Bissoondath and Ben Okri." From Commonwealth to Post-colonial.
Ed. Anna Rutherford. Sydney: Dangaroo Press, 1992. 74-82.
Ross, Jean W. "Contemporary Authors Interview." Contemporary Authors.
Ed. Donna Olendorf. Vol. 138. Detroit, Mich.: Gale Research. 1993. 337-41.
Wilkinson, Jane. "Ben Okri." Talking with African Writers. Ed.
Jane Wilkinson. London: Heinemann, 1991. 76-89.
© 1998 Pushpa Naidu Parekh and Siga Fatima Jagne. All rights
reserved. Bennett, Robert. "Ben Okri (1959- )." Postcolonial
African Writers: A Bio-Bibliographical Critical Sourcebook. Eds. Puspa
Naidu Parekh and Siga Fatima Jagne. Westport: Greenwood
Press, 1998. 364-373. This article is reprinted with the permission of Greenwood
Publishing Group, Inc. and Robert Bennett.
Last Modified:
6 June, 2002