Puns, Spoonerisms, and Parody in Salman Rushdie's Midnight's Children

©Sébastien Blache, Doctorant à l'Université de Paris-Sorbonne, Paris III

Rushdie, for example, plays upon the homonymy between "sun" and "son" as well as the play on "sheet" and "gin/djinn." "Raucous chorusÓ (p. 182) is a spoonerism which plays on homonymy: thus it is also a paronomasia). The narratoir also refers to Tristram Shandy and Hamlet. The story contains ghosts (p. 245) and an episode of the play is hinted at: "As they walked she poured her infantile poison into his ear" (p. 489).

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Last modified 24 June 2005