The Temple is dedicated to the Great Goddess in her more fierce, and awe-inspiring manifestation as Kali. "Kali" literally means dark-skinned and "Amman" means Mother. The worship of the Great Goddess plays an important role in Hinduism, and the cult of female-worship may have existed in the Indus Valley Civilization (c. 2500 B. C). The Mother-Goddess is worshipped in many manifestations such as Saraswati, Lakshmi, Ganga and Durga. Although the Temple is dedicated mainly to the Goddess as Kali, it contains images of a number of important deities, especially Shiva that is housed in a separate sanctum.
Photograph March 2000 � George P. Landow may be used without written permission for any educational purpose. Any commercial or other use requires prior written permisison from
Vidya Dehijia, (ed), Devi. The Great Goddess. Female Divinity in South Asian Art. Washington, D.C., Arthur M. Shackler Gallery, 1999.
Last updated 16 October 2001.