Note: in the following examples of html tags that provide formatting for your documents, I have added an extra space after the opening "<" so you can see the tags and not their effects. Be sure to remove that extra space!
(You can save yourself the work of retyping all these tags and the possibility of error by either (a) saving this document as "Source" [Under File in your web viewer], or (b) choosing "View Source" from View in the File menu at the top of your Netscape, Internet Explorer, or other viewer window. Using either method, you can simply copy and paste what you need into each of your own documents.)
Paste the following at the top of your doc -- and remove the extra space after each "<" so the tags will work.
< TITLE>title (for Netscape)< /TITLE>
< /HEAD>
< H2>title (inside window) < /H2>
< H4>< a href ="../contributors/authorname.html">firstname lastname< /a>, institutional affiliation, if any< /H4>
< img src="../icons/posttop.gif">
Paste the following at the bottom of your doc (and remove the extra space after each "<"):
< HR>
< a href ="../misc/postov.html">< img src="../../icons/postov2.gif" alt="Main Web Page">< /A>
< a href ="../sgov.html">< img src="../icons/sg2.gif" alt="Singapore">< /A>
< /BODY>
< /HTML>
1. Give each document a simple title. If Jane Smith submits a number of essays on hymns, suitable titles could be "js1.html," "js2.html," "js3.html," or something like "hymn1.html." Document titles like "thumboo.html" are likely to prove confusing in a folder discussing that author.
2. Begin each paragraph with "P" within "< >" and end it with "/P" within "< >".
3. Use bold rather than italic for titles and emphasis. In computer word-processing documents and web viewers (Netscape, Explorer), bold fonts usually look much better on-screen than do italic. (This is because most on-screen fonts do not use true italic fonts but simply lean the letters to the right, often obscuring punctuation and spacing.)
4. Start inset quotations with BLOCKQUOTE inside angle brackets, i. e., < >, and end them with /BLOCKQUOTE inside angle brackets, but put the paired paragraph tags within the blockquote tags.
5. Insert your title twice in the document template above where indicated.
6. If you submit more than a single document, create a one-page biography of yourself, using the title "[author initials.html]" -- mine, for example would be "gpl.html." A photograph is welcome but optional.
Include a list of works cited at the foot of each individual lexia (document) and then use the MLA short form of in-text citation, which means in practice that you only use as much info in the paranthetical reference as is absolutely necessary. Thus, if you introduce quoted material by "According to Spurgeon's "Christ the Lord," you only need a page number: "quoted text" (34). If, however, you wrote, "According to a Victorian preacher . . . " you'd have to provide the necessary information in full: "quoted text" (Spurgeon, "Christ the Lord," 34).
For bibliography, please use the following form:
Ruskin, John. < B>Works< /B>. 39 vols. Eds. E. T. Cook and Alexander Wedderburn. London: Allen and Unwin, 1902-12.
Smith, James. "Tennyson's Heroines." < B>Victoriana< /B> 3 (1996): 23-35.
1. If you know how to save your documents as "text only" using the "Save As" option in the "File" menu of most word processing programs, send the document to me as a Eudora attachment.
2. If you don't know how to save as "text only" and cannot find anyone to show you how to do it, please do the following: