Angeline Yap: An Overview
Biographical Materials

- "Collected Poems.". Pub. Dept. of Eng. Language & Literature, NUS, 1986.
- "Journeys: Words, Home & Nation -- Anthology of Singapore Poetry"
(Ed. Edwin Thumboo, Unipress, The Centre for the Arts, NUS)
- "No Other City -- The Ethos Anthology of Urban Poetry". Ethos Books, 2000 Ed.
- Private Collections
- "Teachers' Resource File on Singapore Literature".
- Poems from Fulcrum -- an annual of poetry and aesthetics (USA),
No. 1, "A Map of English-language Poetry" 2002
Literary Themes. Techniques, and Contexts
- Literary Relations
- Themes
- Social and Political Themes and Contexts
- Genre, Style, and Technique
Last modified: 10 July 2003