[Note: This bibliography derives directly from A Sense of History: a Select Bibliography on the History of Singapore, the more complete on-line list of materials compiled by The National University of Singapore Library under the editorial direction of Tim Yap Fuan; all comments and annotations are from the original NUS bibliography. I have omitted many items, chiefly undergraduate and graduate theses written at the former University of Malaya and elsewhere, generally obtainable outside the NUS library. Singaporean users should consult the original on-line bibliography. [GPL]
Akashi, Yoji. "Lai Teck, secretary-general of the Malayan Communist Party." Journal of the South Seas Society 49:57-103, 1994. [DS501 SSSJ]
Akashi, Yoji. "The Nanyang Chinese anti-Japanese boycott movement, 1908-1928: a study of Nanyang Chinese nationalism." Journal of the South Seas Society 23(1/2):69-96, 1968. [DS501 SSSJ]
Akashi, Yoji. The Nanyang Chinese national salvation movement, 1937-1941. Lawrence, KS: Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 1970. 211p. [DS732 Aka]
Arasaratnam Sinnappah. "Social reform and reformist pressure groups among the Indians of Malaya and Singapore, 1930-1955." Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 40(2):54-67, 1967. [DS591 RASMJ]
Braddell, Roland St. John. The lights of Singapore. London: Methuen, 1934. 205p. [DS599.2 Bra]
Brimmell, J. H. Communism in South East Asia: a political analysis. London: Oxford University Press, 1959. 415p. Places the communist movement in Singapore in a regional context. [DS526.7 Bri]
Brimmell, J. H. A short history of the Malayan Communist Party. Singapore: Donald Moore, 1956. 26p. [HX766.1 Bri]
Chen, Ta. Chinese migrations, with special reference to labor conditions. Washington, DC: Govt. Print. Off., 1923. 237p. [JV8701 Che]
Chen, Ta. Emigrant communities in south China: a study of overseas migration and its influence on standards of living and social change. New York: AMS Press, 1978. 287p. Reprint. Originally published in 1940. [DS721 Che]
Chesneaux, Jean. The Chinese labor movement, 1919-1927. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1968. 574p. A valuable background study. [HD8676 Che]
>Choo, Eng Kang. The Singapore trade depression, 1920-22. 72p. Academic exercise - Dept. of History, University of Singapore, 1976. [D1976 3]
Chui, Kwei Chiang. "Political attitudes and organizations, c.1900-1941." IN Ernest C. T. Chew and Edwin Lee, eds. A history of Singapore. Singapore: Oxford University Press, 1991. Pp. 66-91 [DS599.63 His]
Dixon, Alec. Singapore patrol. London: Harrap, 1935. 269p. Describes a junior policeman's work in the 1920s. [HV7914 Dix]
Education in Malaya: being articles reprinted from "Oversea education" (published by the Colonial Office), 1930 to 1942, and 1946. Kuala Lumpur: Govt. Press, 1948. 160p. [LA1236 Edu]
Ee, Joyce. "nal of Southeast Asian History, 2(1):33-51, 1961. [DS501 JSAS]
Emerson, Rupert. Malaysia: a study in direct and indirect rule. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press, 1964. 536p. Reprint. Originally published in New York, 1937. An analysis and commentary on government and society in the Straits Settlements in the 1930s. [DS592 Eme]
Emerson, Rupert; Mills, L. A. and Thompson, Virginia. Government and nationalism in the Southeast Asia. New York: International Secretariat, Institute of Pacific Relations, 1942. 242p. [DS518 Eme]
Gailey, Harry A. Clifford, imperial proconsul. London: Collings, 1982. 209p. Has a brief section on Clifford's time as governor in the late 1920s. [DS595.6 Cli.Ga]
Gamba, Charles. The origins of trade unionism in Malaya: a study in colonial labour unrest. Singapore: Donald Moore for Eastern Universities Press, 1962. 511p. [HD6855 Gam.O]
Great Britain. Colonial Office. Higher education in Malaya: report of the Commission appointed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies, June, 1939. London: H.M.S.O., 1939. 150p. William H. McLean, chairman. [LA1238 Gre]
Guillemard, Laurence. Trivial fond records. London: Methuen, 1937. 187p. Has an account of author's governorship from 1919 to 1927. [DS595.6 Gui]
>Gwee, Yee Hean. The training of teachers in Singapore, 1870-1940. Singapore: Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, College of Graduate Studies, Nanyang University, 1976. 25 leaves. [LB1727.12 Gwe]
Harper, R. W. E. and Miller, Harry. Singapore Mutiny. Singapore: Oxford University Press, 1984. 254p. [DS599.61 Har]
Hicks, George, ed. Chinese organisations in Southeast Asia in the 1930s. Singapore: Select Books, 1995. 168p. Originally published in 1943 in Japanese as: Survey of overseas Chinese organisations in South-East Asia (Nanyang). [HS1508.12 Chi]
Hsu, Yun-Ts'iao and Chua, Ser Koon, eds. Malayan Chinese resistance to Japan 1937-1945: selected source materials. Singapore: Cultural and Historical Publishing House, 1984. 1120p. Source materials are in Chinese and English. [DS596.4 Xmhr]
Huff, W. G. The development of the rubber market in pre-World War II Singapore. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 24(2):285-306, 1993. [DS501 JSAS]
Ibrahim Abu Bakar. Islamic modernism in Malaya: the life and thought of Sayid Syekh Al-Hadi 1867-1934. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press, 1994. 199p. [PL5138 Hs*Iab]
Kemp, Rosemary."An investigation into the social hygiene problem in Singapore during the 1920s." Journal of the South Seas Society 51:50-123, 1996. Thesis (B.A. Hons.) - Flinders University of South Australia, 1993. [DS501 SSSJ]
Ku, Hung Ting. Kuomintang's mass movement and the Kreta Ayer incident (1927) in Malaya. Singapore: Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, College of Graduate Studies, Nanyang University, 1976. 37 leaves. [JQ699.2 *Kuo.K]
Kuwajima, Sho. First World War and Asia: Indian Mutiny in Singapore (1915). Osaka: Sho Kuwajima, 1988. 154p. [DS599.61 Kuw]
Lasker, Bruno. Human bondage in Southeast Asia. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1950. 406p. Gives a brief treatment of the mui tsai question in Singapore. [HD4871 Las]
Leong, Stephen. "The Kuomintang-Communist United Front in Malaya during the National Salvation period 1937-1941."> Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 8(1):31-47, 1977. [DS501 JSAS]
Leong, Stephen. "The Malayan overseas Chinese and the Sino-Japanese War, 1937-1941." Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 10(2):293-320, 1979. [DS501 JSAS]
Lockhart, Robert Bruce. Return to Malaya. London: Putnam, 19376. 426p. Compares the Singapore of the mid-1930s with the pre-First World War era. [DS592 Loc ]
Low, N. I. Chinese jetsam on a tropic shore. Singapore: Eastern Universities Press, 1974. 174p. [DS599.51 Low]
McKenna, R. B. "Sir Laurence Guillemard and political control of the Chinese in Singapore, 1920-1927." Journal of the South Seas Society 49:10-33, 1994. [DS501 SSSJ]
McLane, Charles B. Soviet strategies in Southeast Asia: an exploration of Eastern policy under Lenin and Stalin. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1966. 563p. Sets Singapore in the Communist International background. [DS525.9 Sov.M]
MacNair, H. F. The Chinese abroad, their position and protection: a study in international law and relations. Shanghai: Commercial Press, 1926.340p. [JV8701 Macn]
Metzger, Laurent. "Joseph Ducroux, a French agent of the Comintern in Singapore (1931-1932)." Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 69(1):1-20, 1996. [DS591 RASMJ]
Miller, Harry. Menace in Malaya. London: Harrap, 1954. 248p. Has an account of the early communist movement in Singapore. [DS596.5 Mil]Mills, L. A. British rule in eastern Asia: a study of contemporary government and economic development in British Malaya and Hong Kong. London: Oxford University Press, 1942. 581p. A commentary based on a 1936-37 visit and documentary study. [HC497.1 Mil]
Nagle, J. Stewart. Educational needs of the Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States. Baltimore, MD: Printed by John H. Laird and Sons, 1928. 194p. Originally presented as thesis (Ph.D.) - Johns Hopkins University, 1926. [LA1236 Nag]
Nathan, J. E. The census of British Malaya, 1921. London: Dunstable and Watford, 1922. 406 p. [HA1792 Mal 1921]
Ng, Wing Chung. "Urban Chinese social organization: some unexplored aspects in huiguan development in Singapore, 1900-1941." Modern Asian Studies, 26(3):469-494, 1992. [DS1 MAS]
The Opium trade, 1910-1941. Wilmington, DE: Scholarly Resources, 1974. 6 vols. [HV5816 Opi]
Contents: 1. 1910-1911 - 2. 1912 - 3. 1913-1916 - 4. 1917-1921 - 5. 1922-1926 - 6. 1927-1941. Includes Foreign Office documents (FO 415) on the opium trade and Colonial Office documents (CO 882) on social hygiene in Singapore in the 1920s.
Pang, Wing Seng. "The Double Seventh Incident, 1937: Singapore Chinese response to the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War." Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 4(2):269-299, 1973. [DS501 JSAS]
Parmer, J. Norman. "Attempts at labour organization by Chinese workers in certain industries in the 1930s." IN Tregonning, K. G., ed. Papers on Malayan history. Singapore: Journal of South-East Asian History, 1962. Pp. 239-255. [DS596 Int]
Peet, George L. Rickshaw reporter. Singapore: Eastern Universities Press, 1985. 226 p. Memories of Peet's first tour of duty from 1923-1927 as a young reporter. [DS599.51 Pee]
Png, Poh Seng. "The Kuomintang in Malaya, 1912-1941." Journal of Southeast Asian History, 2(2):1-32, 1961. [DS501 JSAH]
Purcell, Victor. Problems of Chinese education. London: K. Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1936. 261p. [LA1131 Pur]
Rennie, J. S. M. Musings of J.S.M.R., mostly Malayan. Singapore: Malaya Pub. House, 1933. 197p. [DS592 Ren]
Rimmer, Peter J. "Hackney carriage syces and rikisha pullers in Singapore: a colonial registrar's perspective on the public transport, 1892-1923." IN Rimmer, P. J. and Allen, L. M., eds. The underside of Malaysian history: pullers, prostitutes, plantation workers. Singapore: Singapore University Press for Malaysia Society of the Asian Studies Association of Australia, 1990. Pp. 129-160. [HD8769 Und]
Sareen, Tilak Raj. Secret documents on Singapore Mutiny, 1915. New Delhi: Mounto Pub. House, 1995. 866p. [DS599.61 Sar]
Short, Brock K. Indigenous banking in the early period of development: the Straits Settlements 1914-1940. Malayan Economic Review, 16(1):57-75, 1971. [HC497.1 MER]
Sim, Victor. Biographies of prominent Chinese in Singapore. Singapore: Nan Kok Publication Company, 1950. 111p. [DS599.5 Bio]
Soenarno, R. "Malay nationalism, 1900-1945." Journal of Southeast Asian History, 1:1-28, 1960. [DS501 JSAH]
Straits Settlements. Technical Education Committee. Report to consider the feasibility of industrial and technical education in Singapore and the type of classes and institutions required. Singapore: Govt. Print. Off., 1925. 48p. [T163.12 Str]
Straits Settlements. Trade Commission. Report of the Commission appointed by His Excellency the Governor of the Straits Settlements to enquire into and report on the trade of the Colony 1933-1934. Singapore: Govt. Print. Off., 1934. 5 vols. Microfilm.
Tan, Cheng Lock. Malayan problems: from a Chinese point of view. Edited by C.Q. Lee. Singapore: Tannsco, 1947. 182p. Speeches and pamphlets before, during and after the Second World War. [JQ692.5 Tan]
Tarling, Nicholas. "The Singapore Mutiny of 1915." Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 55(2):26-59, 1982. [DS591 RASMJ]
Thompson, Virginia. Labor problems in Southeast Asia. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1947. 283p. Deals with the immediate post-war strikes. [HD8666 Tho]
Thompson, Virginia. Postmortem on Malaya. New York: Macmillan, 1943. 323p. A critical analysis of the colonial system. [HC497.1 Tho]
Van Cuylenburg, John Bertram. Singapore: through sunshine and shadow. Singapore: Heinemann Asia, 1982. 264p. [DS599.51 Vanc]
Vlieland, C. A. British Malaya: a report of the 1931 census and on certain problems of vital statistics. London: Crown Agents for the Colonies, 1932. 1 vol. [HA1792 Mal 1931]
Wang, Gungwu. "The limits of Nanyang Chinese nationalism, 1912-1937." IN Cowan, C. D. and Wolters, O. W., eds. Southeast Asian history and historiography: essays presented to D. G. E. Hall. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1976. Pp. 405-423. [DS524.4 Sou]
Warren, James Francis. "Karayuki-san of Singapore, 1877-1941." Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 622(2):45-80, 1989. [DS591 RASMJ]
Warren, James Francis. Rickshaw coolie: a people's history of Singapore 1880-1940. Singapore: Oxford University Press, 1986. 391p. [HD8039 Ric.W]
Wong, Francis Hoy Kee and Gwee, Yee Hean. Official reports on education: the Straits Settlements and the Federated Malay States, 1870-1939. Singapore: Pan Pacific Book Distributors, 1980. 164p. [LA1236 Won]
Wright, Clifton. Cameos of the old Federated Malay States and Straits Settlements 1912-1924. Ilfracombe, UK: Stockwell, 1972. 187p. [DS592 Wrg]
Yap, Pheng Geck. Scholar, banker, gentleman soldier: the reminiscences of Dr. Yap Pheng Geck. Singapore: Times Books International, 1982. 122p. [DS599.51 Yap]
Yeo, Kim Wah. "The Communist challenge in the Malayan labour scene." Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 49(2):36-79, 1979. [DS591 RASMJ]
Yeo, Kim Wah. "The Guillemard-Maxwell power struggle, 1921-1925." Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 54(1):48-64, 1981. [DS591 RASMJ]
Yeo, Kim Wah. The politics of decentralization: colonial controversy in Malaya 1920-1929. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press, 1982. 395p. [DS596.3 Yeo]
Yeoh, Brenda S. A. "An illusion of improvement: the beginnings of town planning in Singapore." Architecture Journal, 93-101, 1992. Explores the beginnings of formalised town planning in Singapore. [NA6 AJ]
Yong, C. F. "Emergence of Chinese community leaders in Singapore, 1890-1941." Journal of the South Seas Society 30(1/2):1-18, 1975. [DS501 SSSJ]
Yong, C. F. "Leadership and power in the Chinese community of Singapore during the 1930s." Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 8(2):195-209, 1977. [DS501 JSAS]
Yong, C. F. The origins of Malayan communism. Singapore: South Seas Society, 1997. 312p. [DS596.3 Yon]
Yong, C. F. "Pang, pang organizations and leadership in the Chinese community of Singapore during the 1930s." Journal of the South Seas Society 32(1/2):31-52, 1977. [DS501 SSSJ]
Yong, C F. "A preliminary study of Chinese leadership in Singapore 1914-1940." Journal of Southeast Asian History, 9(2):258-285, 1968. [DS501 JSAH]
Yong, C. F. "Singapore politics in late colonial era: an introduction." Journal of the South Seas Society 49:1-9, 1994. [DS501 SSSJ]
Yong, C. F. "Sir Cecil Clementi and the Straits Chinese, 1930-1934." Journal of the South Seas Society 49:34-56, 1994. [DS501 SSSJ]
Yong, C. F. Tan Kah-Kee: the making of an overseas Chinese legend. Singapore: Oxford University Press, 1987. 391p. [DS599.51 Tkk.Y]
Yong, C. F. and McKenna, R. B. The Kuomintang movement in British Malaya, 1912-1949. Singapore: Singapore University Press, 1990. 289p. [DS596.3 Yon]
Yuen, Choy Leng. "The Japanese community in Malaya before the Pacific war: its genesis and growth." Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 9(2):163-179, 1978. [DS501 JSAS]