Wole Soyinka's Works
- 1958 The Swamp Dwellers, drama
- 1959 The Lion and the Jewel, drama
- 1960 The Trials of Brother Jero, drama
- 1965 The Interpreters, fiction (discussion)
- ----Before the Blackout, drama
- ----Kongi's Harvest, drama
- ----The Detainee, (BBC Radio Play)
- 1967, "The Writer in a Modern African State"
- ----Idanre and Other Poems
- 1969 Poems from Prison
- ----The Road, drama
- 1970Madmen and Specialists,
- 1972 The Man Died, (notes from prison)
- ----A Shuttle in the Crypt Discussions of individual poems
- Ogun Abibiman, poems
- 1976 Death and the King's Horseman
- 1979 Season of Anomy, fiction
- 1981 Aké: The Years of Childhood, autobiography
- ---- "The Critic and Society: Barthes, Leftocracy, and Other Mythologies"
- ---- Opera Wonyosi, an adaptation of Brecht's Three Penny Opera
- 1982 "Cross Currents: The 'New African' after Cultural Encounters"
- 1983 "Shakespeare and the Living Dramatist"
- 1985 "Climates of Art"
- 1986 "The External Encounter: Ambivalence in African Arts and Literature"
- 1987 Six Plays
- 1989 Isara: A Voyage around Essay, autobiography
- Mandela's Earth and Other Poems
- 1992 From Zia With Love
- 1995 The Beatification of Area Boy
- 1996 The Open Sore of a Continent: A Personal Narrative of the Nigerian Crisis