Waterland: Literary Relations Overview
Waterland: Critical Reception
Chinua Achebe
Jane Austen
A. S. Byatt
Peter Carey
- Narratives of the Victorian Past: Byatt, Carey, and Swift
- The Void in Waterland and Possession
- Sex, Secrets, and Foucault: Rewriting Victorian Sexuality in Waterland, Oscar & Lucinda, and Possession: Introduction
- Glass and Water: Symbolic Imagery in
Oscar and Lucinda and Waterland -- an Introduction
- Glass and Water, Love and Sexuality
- Glass and Water, Creation and Destruction
- Glass and Water: Progress, Power, and the
Weakness of of Empire
- The Postmodern Crisis of Narrative: Byatt, Carey, and Swift
Charles Dickens
Buchi Emecheta
Philip Jeyaretnam
Penelope Lively
Salman Rushdie
Wole Soyinka
Last modified 20 May 2004