English 301A. Contrasting images of Africa


This course offers a dynamic approach to the study of literature about Africa by Europeans and Africans over the centuries in order to understand the real human sensibilities and ideologies behind historical movements. European authors on the course are studied microscopically in order to see their attitudes to Africa in relation to their societies and of course, in relation to literature itself. On the other hand, African authors are studied in order to discover how Africans perceive their world in comparison with those very European authors or in relation to the movement of African history itself. Thus, the course gives the student of literature - and even of history and anthropology - a unique opportunity to begin to explore the culture between Europe and Africa which persist to date.

Suggested Booklist

Conrad, J. Hearth of Darkness. Penguin

Haggard, R. King Solomon's Mines. Puffin

Paton, A. Cry, the Beloved Country. Longman

Achebe, C. Arrow of God. Heinemann

Ba, Mariama, So Long a Letter. ZPH

wa Tniong'o, Ngugi. A Grain of Wheat. Heinemann

Armah, Ayi Kwei. Two Thousand Season. Heinemann

La Guma, A. A Walk in the Night. Heinemann

Nalpaul, V. S. A Bend in the River. Penguin

English Courses English Department University of Zimbabwe Zimbabwe OV