George Lamming: Works
- In the Castle of My Skin, 1953
- The Emigrants, 1954.
- Of Age and Innocence, 1958.
- Season of Adventure, 1960.
- Water with Berries, 1972.
- Natives of My Person, 1972.
Contributions to Poetry and Short Fiction Anthologies
- West Indian Stories, 1960.
- Young Commonwealth Poets '65, 1965.
- Stories from the Caribbean, 1965.
- Caribbean Voices, 1966.
- Caribbean Narrative, 1966.
- From the Green Antilles, 1967.
- Caribbean Prose, 1967.
- Caribbean Verse, 1968.
- Caribbean Rhythms, 1974.
- The Pleasures of Exile, 1960.
- Influencia del Africa en las litaraturas antillanas (The Influence of Africa on Antillian Literature), 1972.
- Western Education and the Caribbean Intellectual: Coming, Coming, Coming Home, 1995
- editor of Cannon Shot and Glass Beads: Modern Black Writing, 1974
- co-editor of Barbados and Guyana independence issues of New World Quarterly, 1965 and 1967
- contributed to journals including Bim, Savacou, New World Quarterly, Caribbean Quarterly, and Casa de las Americas
Last modified 8 January 2005