Decolonizing Theory: Post-Tradition as an Everyday Practice

Said Graiouid (Mohamed V University, Rabat, Morocco)

This paper sets out from the assumption that a decolonization of theory requires a shift in conceptual and methodological orientations. In this respect, the descriptive concept "post-tradition" will be proposed to broaden the debate on social organization and the areas of informal association and everyday life communication and performance. The concept "post-tradition" is also meant to inscribe in the master narratives of Tradition and Modernity the contradictions of everyday performances and subaltern life-stories and worldviews. A point will be made to the effect that post-tradition does not summon origin, purity, homogeneity or continuity. Rather, it is a process that is already in the making. Similarly, the task of the post-traditional researcher is not to conceptualize hegemonizing views of history but to document the fractured histories and life-stories of groups and communities as they surface in people's everyday practices. Thus, from a post-traditional perspective, culture becomes a seamless ebb and flow of endogenous practices and exogenous leisure experiences, of performed resistances and ceremonial rituals, and of conjured up identities and anticipated possibilities.

Postcolonial OV discourseov Casablanca Conference

Last modified: 7 May 2001