Terminal for KTM Berhad, or Malaysian Railways, Exterior view. Keppel Road (Southwest of Chinatown), next-to and beneath the Ayer Rajah Expressway, Singapore. Since Malaysia retained ownership of the railway right-of-way, station, and grounds when Singapore became independent, the station is a part of Malaysia inside Singapore! A large sign beneath the arches states "Welcome to Malaysia."
The presence of the terminal on a particularly valuable bit of Singaporean real estate continues to act as a source of friction between Malaysia and Singapore. See the Straits Times story of June 1997 about the history of arrangements between Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong and Malaysia's Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad. [For the Malaysia Railways website click here.]
Malaysian Railways Terminal. (Left): Murals of Malaysian life inside the waiting room. (Right): View of the tracks.
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