Bibliography: Singapore in the Decade after World War II

[Note: This bibliography derives directly from A Sense of History: a Select Bibliography on the History of Singapore, the more complete on-line list of materials compiled by The National University of Singapore Library under the editorial direction of Tim Yap Fuan; all comments and annotations are from the original NUS bibliography. I have omitted many items, chiefly undergraduate and graduate theses written at the former University of Malaya and elsewhere, generally obtainable outside the NUS library. Singaporean users should consult the original on-line bibliography. [GPL]

Allen, James de V. The Malayan Union. New Haven, CT: Southeast Asia Studies, Yale University, 1967. 181p. [DS596.5 All]

Ampalavanar, Rajeswary. The Indian minority and political change in Malaya, 1945-1957. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press, 1981. 260 p. Originally presented as the author's thesis (Ph.D.) - University of London, 1978. [DS596.5 Amp]

Anderson, Patrick. Snake wine: a Singapore episode. London: Chatto and Windus, 1955. 288p. [PR9299 A548S]

Andrew, Herbert. Who won the Malayan emergency? Singapore: Graham Brash, 1995. 128p. [DS596.5 And]

Arnold, Guy. Wars in the Third World since 1945. 2nd ed. London: Cassell, 1995. 670p. Has a succint account of the Malayan Emergency (pp. 99-106). [D842 Arn]

Awbery, Stan S. and Dalley, Fred. W. Labour and trade union organisation in the Federation of Malaya and Singapore: report. Kuala Lumpur: Govt. Press, 1948. 70p. Report of an investigation carried out in 1947-1948 for the Secretary of State for the Colonies. [HD8769 Awb]

Cheah, Boon Kheng. Some aspects of the interregnum in Malaya 15 August - 2 September 1945. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 8(1):48-74, 1977. [DS501 JSAS]

Cheng, Siok Hwa. "Economic change and industrialization." in Ernest C. T. Chew and Edwin Lee, eds. A history of Singapore. Singapore: Oxford University Press, 1991. Pp. 182-215. Covers the period from 1945 to the mid-seventies. [DS599.63 His]

Chui, Kwei Chiang and Hara, Fujio. Emergence, development and dissolution of the pro-China organizations in Singapore. Tokyo: Institute of Developing Economies, 1991. 133p. [DS599.61 Chu]

Clutterbuck, Richard. Conflict and violence in Singapore and Malaysia, 1945-1983. Rev., updated and enl. ed. Singapore: Graham Brash, 1984. 412 p. Parts I and II were originally published in 1973 as Riot and revolution in Singapore and Malaya, 1945-1963. [DS599.61 Clu]

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association. United Kingdom Branch. Singapore and the Federation of Malaya: report of the parliamentary delegation, September-October 1950. London: Executive Committee, United Kingdom Branch, Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, 1950. 32p. [DS596.5 Com]

Darusman, Suryono. Singapore and the Indonesian revolution, 1945-50: recollections of Suryono Darusman. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1992. 73p. [DS640 Sin.D]

Djamour, Judith. Family structure of the Singapore Malays: report to the Colonial Social Science Research Council (Scheme R.281). London: Colonial Office, 1953. 141p. [HQ690.2 Dja]

Djamour, Judith. Malay kinship and marriage in Singapore. 1st ed., reprinted with corrections. London: Athlone Press, 1965. 155p. Based on fieldwork carried out in 1949-1950. [HQ690.2 Dja]

Donnison, F. S. V. British military administration in the Far East 1943-46. London: H.M.S.O., 1956. 483p. [D802 Asi.D]

Elliott, Alan J. A. Chinese spirit-medium cults in Singapore. London: Royal Anthropological Institute, 1955. 179p. [BL1950.12 Ell]

The entrepot trade of Singapore. Singapore: Dept. of Trade and Industry, British Military Administration, 1945. 21 leaves. [HF3869.2 Sin]

Freedman, Maurice. Chinese family and marriage in Singapore. London: H.M.S.O., 1957. 249p. [HQ690.2 Fre]

Freedman, Maurice and Marjorie Topley." Religious and social realignment among the Chinese in Singapore." Journal of Asian Studies 21(1):3-23, 1961. [DS1 JAS]

Gamba, Charles. The origins of trade unionism in Malaya: a study in colonial labour unrest. Singapore: Donald Moore for Eastern Universities Press, 1962. 511p. [HD6855 Gam.O]

Gamba, Charles. Labour law in Malaya. Singapore: Donald Moore, 1955. 47p. [HD7945.1 Gam]

Gilmour, Andrew. An eastern cadet's anecdotage. Singapore: University Education Press, 1974. 174p. [DS599.51 Gil]

Gilmour, Andrew. My role in the rehabilitation of Singapore: 1946-1953. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1973. 100 leaves. [DS599.51 Gil]

Gilmour, Oswald Wellington. With freedom to Singapore. London: Benn, 1950. 287p. Has comments on newly liberated Singapore. [DS599.6 Gil]

Goh, Keng Swee. Urban incomes and housing: a report on the social survey of Singapore, 1953-54. Singapore: Dept. of Social Welfare, 1956. 215p. [HN770.2 Goh]

Great Britain. Colonial Office. British dependeocies in the Far East 1945-1949. London: H.M.S.O., 1949. [DS526.6 Gre]

Great. Britain. Colonial Office. British South East Asia recovers. Singapore: Straits Times Press, 1949. 64p. Condensed from the Colonial Office publication "British dependencies in the Far East, 1945-1949". [DS526.6 Gre] Great Britain. Colonial Office. Information on the Colony of Singapore for 1949 transmitted by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom to the Secretary-General of the United Nations under article 73 (e) of the United Nations Charter and in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 of General Assembly Resolution 218 (III) of 3rd November, 1948. London: H.M.S.O., 1948. 90p. [J618 Gre]

Great Britain. Colonial Office. Malayan Union and Singapore: statement of policy on future constitution. London: H.M.S.O., 1946. 6p. (Command Paper 6724). [JQ693.4 Mas]

Great Britain. Colonial Office. Malayan Union and Singapore: summary of proposed constitutional arrangements. London: H.M.S.O., 1946. 8p. (Command Paper 6749). [JQ693.4 Gre]

Great Britain. Commission on University Education in Malaya. Report of the Commission on University Education in Malaya. Kuala Lumpur: Govt. Press, 1948. 150p. Alexander Carr-Saunders, chairman. [LG396 MU*Co]

Hack, Karl. "Screwing down the people: the Malayan Emergency, decolonisation and ethnicity." in Antlov, H. and Tonnesson, S., eds. Imperial policy and Southeast Asian nationalism, 1930-1957. Richmond, UK: Curzon Press, 1995. Pp. 83-109. [DS526.6 Imp]

Hanrahan, Gene Z. The communist struggle in Malaya. New York: International Secretariat, Institute of Pacific Relations, 1954. 146 leaves. [[DS596.5 Han]

Hara, Fujio. Malayan Chinese and China: conversion in identity consciousness, 1945-1957. Tokyo: Institute of Developing Economies, 1997. 166p. [HC412 Ide 33]

Hoalim, Philip. Malayan Democratic Union: Singapore's first democratic political party. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1972. 26p. [DS599.51 Hoa]

Hughes, Tom Eames. Tangled worlds: the story of Maria Hertogh. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1980. 64p. [DS599.51 Her.H]

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The economic development of Malaya: report of a mission organized ... at the request of the governments of the Federation of Malaya, the Crown Colony of Singapore and the United Kingdom. Singapore: Printed and distributed for the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development by the Govt. Printer, 1955. 520p. [HC497.1 Ibe]

Jackson, Robert. The Malayan emergency: the Commonwealth's wars, 1948-1966. London: Routledge, 1991. 156p. [DS596.5 Jac]

Jones, Stanley Wilson. Public administration in Malaya. London: Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1953. 229p. [JQ692.5 Jon]

Josey, Alex. Trade unionism in Malaya. 2nd rev. ed. Singapore: Donald Moore, 1958. 116p. [HD6855 Jos]

Kaye, Barrington. Upper Nankin Street, Singapore: a sociological study of Chinese households living in a densely populated area. Singapore: University of Malaya Press, 1960. 439p. [HN770.2 Kay]

Khong, Kim Hoong. Merdeka!: British rule and the struggle for independence in Malaya 1945-1957. Petaling Jaya: Institute for Social Analysis, 1984. 220p. Revision of the author's thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Pittsburgh, 1975. [DS596.5 Kho]

King, Frank H. H. Money in British East Asia. London: H.M.S.O., 1957. 178p. [HG1320 Kin]

Koh, Choo Chin. "Implementing government policy for the protection of women and girls in Singapore 1948-66: recollections of a social worker." in Jaschok, M. and Miers, S., eds. Women and Chinese patriarchy: submission, servitude, and escape. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University, 1994. Pp. 122-140. [HQ1768 Wom]

Komer, R. W. The Malayan emergency in retrospect: organization of a successful counterinsurgency effort. Santa Monica, CA: Rand, 1972. 98p. [DS596.5 Kom]

Lee, Soo Ann. Economic growth and the public sector in Malaya and Singapore, 1948-1960. Singapore: Oxford University Press, 1974. 192p. [HC497.1 Lee]

Lee, Teng Hui. The communist organization in Singapore: its techniques of manpower mobilization and management, 1948-66. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1976. 151p. [HX766.12 Lee]

Lim, Tay Boh, ed. A symposium on the Carr-Saunders report on university education in Malaya. Singapore: International Student Service Malaya, 1948. 44p. [LG396 MU*I]

Mackay, Donald. The Malayan Emergency, 1948-60: the domino that stood. Washington, DC: Brassey's, 1997. 174p. [DS596.5 Mac]

Maideen, Haja. The Nadra tragedy: the Maria Hertogh controversy. Petaling Jaya: Pelanduk Publications, 1989. 318p. Translated into Malay under the title: Tragedi Nadra. [DS599.51 Her.M]

Marshall, David. Singapore's struggle for nationhood, 1945-59. Singapore: University Education Press, 1971. 13p. [DS599.61 Mar]

Mohamed Noordin Sopiee. From Malayan Union to Singapore separation: political unification in the Malaysia region, 1945-65. Kuala Lumpur: Universiti Malaya, 1974. 353p. [JQ699.6 Mns]

Morley, John. Colonial postscript: diary of a district officer, 1935-56. London: Radcliffe Press, 1992. An account of his experience working in the British administration in Singapore and Malaya from 1945-1951 (pp. 161-180). [DT515.77 Mor]

O'Ballance, Edgar. Malaya: the communist insurgent war, 1948-1960. London: Faber, 1966. 188p. [DS596.5 Oba]

Purcell, Victor. Malaya: communist or free? London: Gollancz, 1954. 288p. [JQ699.5 Pur]

Purcell, Victor. "Malayan politics." in Rose, Saul, ed. Politics in southern Asia. London: Macmillan, 1963. Pp. 218-234. [DS518.1 Ros]

Pye, Lucian W. Guerrilla communism in Malaya: its social and political meaning. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1956. 369p. [DS596 Pye]

Ratnam, K. J. Communalism and the political process in Malaya. Kuala Lumpur: Published for the University of Singapore by the University of Malaya Press, 1965. 248p. [DS596.5 Rat]

Rees-Williams, D. R., et al. Three reports on the Malayan problems. New York: International Secretariat, Institute of Pacific Relations, 1949. 46 1eaves. Contents: 1. The Malayan situation in 1948 / by D. R. Rees-Williams - 2. A Chinese view of Malaya / by Tan Cheng Lock - 3. Labour and trade union organisation in the Federation of Malaya and Singapore (section 12) / by S. S. Awbery and F. W. Dalley - Appendix: House of Lords debate on Malaya, opening statements, November 10, 1948. [DS596.5 Thr]

Remme, Tilman. Britain and regional cooperation in South-East Asia, 1945-49. London: Routledge, 1995. 261p. [DS526.7 Rem]

Rose, Saul. Socialism in Southern Asia. London: Oxford University Press, 1959. Has a chapter on Malaya and Singapore with comments on Singapore's politics from 1945-1957 (pp. 202-239). [HX382 Ros]

Sanger, Clyde. Malcolm MacDonald: bringing an end to empire. Liverpool, UK: Liverpool University Press, 1995. 498p. [DA566.9 Macdm.Sa]

Scott-Ross, Alice. Tun Dato Sir Cheng Lock Tan: a personal profile. Singapore: A. Scott-Ross, 1990. 307p. [DS595.6 Tan.S]

Short, Anthony. The Communist insurrection in Malaya, 1948-1960. London: Muller, 1975. 547p. [DS596.5 Sho]

Singapore. Advisory Council. Education policy in the Colony of Singapore: ten years' programme adopted in Advisory Council on 7th August, 1947. Singapore: Govt. Print. Off., 1948. 50p. [LA1239.2 Sde]

Singapore. Committee Appointed by His Excellency the Governor of Singapore to Make Recommendations for the Reconstitution of the Legislative Council of the Colony. Report of the Committee appointed by His Excellency the Governor of Singapore to make recommendations for the Reconstitution of the Legislative Council of the Colony. Singapore: Govt. Print. Off., 1946. P. A. B. Mckerron, chairman. Microfilm.

Singapore. Constitutional Commission. Report of the Constitutional Commission, Singapore. Singapore: Printed by Govt. Print., 1954. 48p. George Rendel, chairman. [JQ723 Scc]

Singapore. Social Welfare Dept. A social survey of Singapore: a preliminary study of some aspects of social conditions in the municipal area of Singapore. Singapore: Dept. of Social Welfare, 1947. 165p. [HN770.2 Sss]

Stenson, Michael R. Industrial conflict in Malaya: prelude to the Communist revolt of 1948. London: Oxford University Press, 1970. 271p. [HD6855 Ste]

Stenson, Michael R. Repression and revolt: the origins of the 1948 Communist insurrection in Malaya and Singapore. Athens, OH: Ohio University, Center for International Studies, 1969. 31 leaves. [DS596.5 Ste]

Stockwell, A. J. British policy and Malay politics during the Malayan Union experiment 1945-1948. Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1979. 206p. [DS591 RASMM]

Stockwell, A. J. "Colonial planning during World War II: the case of Malaya." Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 2(3):333-351, 1974. [DA10 JICH]

Stockwell, A. J. "Imperial security and Moslem militancy, with special reference to the Hertogh riots in Singapore." Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 7(2):322-335, 1986. [DS501 JSAS]

Stockwell, A. J. "'A widespread and long-concocted plot to overthrow government in Malaya'?: the origins of the Malayan Emergency." Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 21(3):66-88, 1993. [DA10 JICH]

Stubbs, Richard. Hearts and minds in guerrilla warfare: the Malayan emergency, 1948-1960. Singapore: Oxford University Press, 1989. 286p. [DS596.5 Stu]

Sweeney, George. "Singapore, 1945-47." in Mohamed Amin and Caldwell, Malcolm, eds. Malaya: the making of a neo-colony. Nottingham, UK: Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation for Spokesman Books, 1977. Pp. 119-215. [DS596 Ma]

Tan, Kok Seng. Son of Singapore: the autobiography of a coolie. Singapore: University Education Press, 1972. 132p. Autobiography of a Chinese-educated labourer who grew up in the 1950s. [DS599.51 Tan]

Tanner, Rolf. A strong showing: Britain's struggle for power and influence in South-East Asia 1942-1950. Stuttgart: F. Steiner, 1994. 299p. [DS525.9 Gre.T]

Thio, Chan Bee. Extraordinary adventures of an ordinary man. London: Grosvenor Books, 1977. 125p. [DS599.51 Thi]

Thomas, Francis. Memoirs of a migrant. Singapore: University Education Press, 1972. 145p. [DS599.51 Tho]

Thompson, Virginia. Labor problems in Southeast Asia. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1947. 283p. Deals with the immediate post-war strikes.[HD8666 Tho]

Thompson, Virginia and Adloff, Richard. The left wing in southeast Asia. New York: Sloane , 1950. 298p. Has a chapter on Malaya, the growth of Malayan communism and Singapore politics. [DS518.1 Tho]

Tonnesson, Stein. "Filling the power vacuum: 1945 in French Indochina, the Netherlands East Indies and British Malaya." in Antlov, H. and Tonnesson, S., eds. Imperial policy and Southeast Asian nationalism, 1930-1957. Richmond, UK: Curzon Press, 1995. Pp. 110-143. [DS526.6 Imp]

Topley, Marjorie. "The emergence and social function of Chinese religious associations in Singapore." Comparative Studies in Society and History 3:289-314, 1960. [HM101 CSSH]

Tregonning, K. G. "Tan Cheng Lock: a Malayan nationalist." Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 10(1):25-76, 1979. [DS501 JSAS}

Tufo, M. V. Del. Malaya, comprising the Federation of Malaya and the Colony of Singapore: a report on the 1947 census of population. London: Crown Agents for the Colonies, 1949. 1 vol. [HA1792 Mal 1947]

Turnbull, C. M. "British planning for post-war Malaya." Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 5(2):239-254, 1974. [DS501 JSAH]

Vasil, Raj K. Politics in a plural society: a study of non-communal political parties in West Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur: Published for the Australian Institute of International Affairs by Oxford University Press, 1971. 338p. [JQ699.5 Vas]

Warner, Denis. Wake me if there's trouble: an Australian correspondent at the front line: Asia at war and peace 1944-1964. Ringwood, Vic.: Penguin Books, 1995. 346p. Has a description of Singapore in the fifties. [DS35.2War]

Yeo, Kim Wah. "The anti-federation movement in Malaya 1946-1948." Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 4(1):31-51, 1973. [DS501 JSAS]

Yeo, Kim Wah. "Joining the communist underground: the conversion of the English-educated radicals to communism in Singapore, June 1948-January 1951." Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 67(1):29-59, 1994. [DS591 RASMJ]

Yeo, Kim Wah. Political development in Singapore, 1945-55. Singapore: Singapore University Press, 1973. 320p. Originally presented as the author's thesis (M.A.), University of Singapore. [JQ723 Yeo]

Yeo, Kim Wah and Lau, Albert. "From colonialism to independence, 1945-1965." in Ernest C. T. Chew and Edwin Lee, eds. A history of Singapore. Singapore: Oxford University Press, 1991. Pp. 117-153. [DS599.63 His]

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