The Literary Works of Charles Mungoshi
- Coming of the Dry Season. Oxford UP, 1972, Currently available from Zimbabwe Publishing House, Harare.
- "Shadows on the Wall"
- "The Crow" (commentary)x
- "The Mountain"
- "The Hero"
- "The Setting Sun and the Rolling World"
- "The Lift"
- "The Ten Shillings"
- "Coming of the Dry Season"
- "S. O. S. from the Past"
- "The Accident"
- Waiting for the Rain. London: Heinemann Educational Books, 1975. Currently available from Zimbabwe Publishing House, Harare.
- Stories from a Shona Childhood. Harare: Baobab Books, 1989. 1995 reprint available from Baobab Books, Harare.