The occidental force of information tele-technology

Irving Goh, The National University of Singapore

Note 8 in the author's " Promising "Post-colonialism": Deleuze-Guattari's "Minor Literature" and the Poetry of Arthur Yap"

In terms of thinking the contemporaneous time of information culture, Homi Bhabha writes that it is a "'colonial' disjunction of modern times and colonial and slave histories" ("'Race,'" p. 203). The sense of the presence of the spectre of "colonialism" or the (eternal) return of "colonialism" is also in Talib:

,p.we are dealing with the symbolic extensions of [the terms 'coloniser' and 'colonised'] and that they are not understood in exactly the same way when one refers to the age of European imperial domination of much of the globe . . .it is not a contradiction to talk of colonialism or colonial domination in the postcolonial era, as it is obviously the case that the symbolic extensions of colonialism or colonial domination did not automatically end with the formal granting of independence to the colonies of the European imperial powers" (p. 61).

Virilio takes a step further in considering this "colonial" culture of telematics, or "global information dominance," as something more severe than totalitarianism. He considers it a "globalitarian concept." Cf. Strategy of Deception. Trans. Chris Turner. London: Verso. p. 17/ 37.


Bhabha, Homi. "'Race', Time and the Revision of Modernity." Oxford Literary Review: Neocolonialism. Ed. Robert Young. 13: 1-2, 1991.

Talib, Ismail S. "After the (Unwritten) 'Postcolonial' in Southeast Asia: What Happens Next?"

Virilio, Paul. Open Sky. Trans. Julie Rose. London: Verso.

Postcolonial OV discourseov Casablanca Conference Singapoe Singapore

Last modified: 31 May 2001