Dear Recipient,
I would like to find out more about language use and attitudes towards different languages in India.
I would really appreciate it if you could participate in the study by filling in this questionnaire, and thus help me gather data for my thesis.
It is VERY important that you are as accurate and honest as possible with your responses. It is only in that case that this study might have some value!
All the replies will remain absolutely confidential.
THANK YOU for your time!
My age:________
Home state in India:__________________
Highest Qualification (level of education):__________________________
When did you start to learn English (age), or how did you learn it (at school/at home, or some other way)?___________________________________________________________
Were you educated in English or in some other language (please specify)?_______________
What is your mother tongue?__________________________
List (in the order of confidence) all the other languages you can communicate (speak, read, write) in:
1. First Part of the Questionnaire (Domain Analysis): Language Use in Different Areas of Life
Which of the following languages:
English (EN), mother tongue or first language (L1), the regional language (eg. Punjabi) (REG), Hindi (HI), or any other language (please specify!)
do you use in the following situations?
Also, mark each statement from 1 to 5, depending on how often you use each language:
1=sometimes, 2=often 3=usually, 4=always (eg. EN 2, L1 3; which means that one uses English often in that situation, but the first language usually)
a) discussing with your family members at dinner___________________________________
b) commenting on a TV program which is in English________________________________
c) commenting on a TV program which is in your mother tongue/Hindi________________
d) the language I mostly use at home is_________________________________________
e) discussing a personal matter/problem__________________________________________
a) conversing and discussing general topics with friends/acquaintances_________________
b) discussing personal matters with friends/acquaintances____________________________
c) conversing with people I haven't met before in my home town at clubs/social gatherings________________________________________________________________
d) introducing friends to others_______________________________________________
e) writing a personal letter__________________________________________________
a) I talk in ______________to my neighbour whose mother tongue is different from mine.
b) I talk in ____________________to my neighbour whose mother tongue is same as mine.
c) Imagine a situation that in your neighbourhood, the mother tongue of the people in most cases differs. Which language do you use in eg. meetings or gatherings as a common language?_______________________________________________________________
a) in shops, at the railway station etc. I mostly use ________________________________.
b) at the market place, I use __________________________________________________.
a) My medium of education was mostly ________________________________________.
b) At high school I talked with my friends who spoke the same language as I do in ________________________________________________________________________.
c) At high school I talked with my friends who spoke a different language than I did in_______________________________________________________________________
a) I would always write official letters in ___________________.
b) If I was working for the government, I would probably mostly use ________________in my work.
c) If I went to see a government official, he would automatically talk to me in _________________________.
a) At a job interview, the language used would normally be __________________________.
b) With my colleagues who come form different parts of India, I would normally talk in ___________________________.
c) If my boss and me had different languages as mother tongues, we would speak with each other in ____________________________.
d) I'd write a business letter in __________________________.
Please tick the appropriate number from 1 to 4, depending on how much you agree/disagree with the statement.
1= I strongly disagree 2=I disagree 3=I agree 4=I strongly agree
Statement 1 2 3 4