English 119, Postcolonial Studies: Zimbabwe and Singapore

Instructor: Professor Landow (office: 209 Horace-Mann; e-mail: ); office hours: 10.30-12:00, Tuesday and Thursday. Class meets 2:30-3:50 PM, Tuesday, Thursday.

Writing assignments: (1) Due via e-mail Monday evening at 8 PM each week before we begin discussing a new work or subject in class: a discussion question approximately one single-spaced page in length containing one or more passages from the assigned work. These mini-essays should draw upon the work under discussion, the course website, and the essays in Ashcroft. These contributions will be graded. (2) Due December 10: A substantial final project either in the form of an academic essay or as a sub-web for the course site.

Class website: Postcolonial Literature and Culture Web, particularly the Singapore, Zimbabwe, and postcolonial theory sections.

Note: Check this on-line reading list at the beginning of each week since assignments may change or be reordered as assigned books arrive.

Week 1 (7 and 9 September) Postcolonial Studies: an Introduction

What is "Postcolonial"? in PoCo web; essays in Ashcroft, Postcolonial Studies Reader

Week 2 (14 and 16 September). Colonial and Postcolonial Singapore

Make yourself acquainted with the Singapore sections in class web; Jayaretnam, Abraham's Promise.

Week 3 (21 and 23 September) Colonial and Postcolonial Zimbabwe

Make yourself acquainted with the Zimbabwe sections in class web; Chenjarai Hove, Bones, 1988.

Week 4 (28 and 30 September) Dangaremga

Dangaremga, Nervous Conditions

Week 5 (5 and 7 October) Vera (I)

Yvonne Vera, Nehanda, 1993.

Week 6 (12 through 14 October). Vera (II)

Yvonne Vera, Without a Name, 1993.

Week 7 (19 through 21 October)

(2) Sculpture in Zimbabwe

Week 8 (26 and 28 October). Mungoshi

Mungoshi, Coming of the Dry Season.

Week 9 (2 and 4 November)

Catherine Lim, The Bondmaid

Week 10 (9 and 11 November)

Gopal Baratham, A Candle or the Sun

Week 11 (16 and 18 November)

The Postcolonial Reader; postcolonial theory sections of the course web

Week 12 (23 November through 2 December)

Young Singaporean poets (online).

[Reading Period begins 6 December; last day of classes: 10 December.]

Week 13 (7 December)

Postcolonial Web [Singapore] Zimbabwe OV Related Courses