"A State of Perpetual Wandering":
Diaspora and Black British Writers
Bronwyn T. Williams, University
of New Hampshire
Copyright © 1999 by Bronwyn T. Williams, all rights reserved.
This article is reproduced with the kind permission of the editors
Journal of Postcolonial Studies.

- Even as Shahid grapples with positioning himself in a postmodern
and postcolonial Britain, so the Britain he inhabits is a shifting
stage itself. There is no stable culture for him to see. The rewriting
of the metropolis and the creation of new narratives continues
from day to day as he sees when he visits a mosque in London:
Here race and class barriers had been suspended. There
were businessmen in expensive suits, others in London Underground
and Post Office uniforms; bowed old men in salwar kamiz fiddled
with beads. Chic lads with ponytails, working in computers,
exchanged business cards with young men in suits. Forty Ethiopians
sat to the side of one room, addressed by one of their number
in robes (109).
Not only have class and race barriers been suspended within
the mosque, but so have cultural and national identities. The
Islam that is represented by the men in the mosque is as shifting
a sign as the emblems of the state in the uniforms of Underground
and Post Office workers. There is not a simple definable culture
that can be identified within this mix. There are only the multiple
narratives of the multiple voices that re-position the subjects
in ways that not only disrupt the homogenous mythology of the
dominant culture, but necessitate a way of considering the narratives
that, as Chakrabarty urges, go beyond the limits of the nation/state
to allow us to begin to comprehend what is being said.
- What is needed are new metaphors through which we can understand
such movements. It is this that Appadurai is after when he notes
that "our very models of cultural shape will have to alter, as
configurations of people, place and heritage lose all semblance
of isomorphism" (336). He proposes using the idea of overlapping,
mathematical fractals as a way of representing the shifting and
continually open-ended interplay of cultures in an age of mass
migration and mass mediation. Without such a fluid model, we will
"remain enmired in comparative work which relies on the clear
separation of the entities to be compared, before serious comparisons
can begin" (337). Such a conception also provides the possibility
of escaping from a flattening liberal multicultural vision of
society within the Western nation/state
in which, as the novelist Sunetra Gupta says, "you wear a Tibetan
waistcoat and eat a Thai meal and read a bit of this and that
and you feel that you are somehow integrated, or that you have
created a space where people can live" (interview). Instead, Appadurai
offers a metaphor in which difference cannot be so simply and
completely appropriated because of the way it slips beyond the
dominant culture's ability to define and control it. Though power
and dominance are still at work in this model, heterogeneity is
a constant that "flows" and redefines itself even as it is appropriated
and commodified by the dominant capitalist culture.
- If, as Stuart Hall says, "identities are the names we give to
the different ways we are positioned by, and position ourselves
within, the narratives of the past" ("Cultural Identity" 394)
then the re-reading and re-writing of those narratives and of
the positions of people in relation to those narratives is central
to the project of examining contemporary conflicts of cultural
construction and identity. What an examination of Black British
writers can provide for us is a space in which to begin examining
how those narratives that fall outside of the dominant culture's
construction of itself within the nation/state may actually provide
us with more supple and generous paradigms through which to consider
the conflict and creativity emerging from the transnational contact
zones of our contemporary world.