If you have suggestions, corrections, or materials you'd like to contribute, please contact
. To begin a new section or subweb on an author requires (1) a biography, chronology, or both, (2) a list of the author's works, and (3) a general introduction, appreciation, and essay on some aspect of that author's work.
African authors writing in AfrikaansAfrican authors writing in French
African authors not yet in the Postcolonial Web
New Zealand
United Kingdom
South Asia: The Indian Subcontinent -- Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka
Singapore (and Malaysia)
Authors for whom materials have yet to be created
Non-Anglophone Writers -- Morocco and elsewhere in North AfricaAfter attending a Moroccan conference on postcolonialism in 2001, I created -- with the support of those who attended -- websites for the conference and for Morocco, even though it doesn't fall under the rubric of postcolonialism in English. GPL
NepalGeneral |
Last modified 12 February 2006